Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri

Unfortunately, love oftentimes gets the best of us. The majority of us would have been hurt once -- but there's always that one person that almost, if not successfully, broke our hearts into millions of irregular pieces. There's always that one person the causes irreparable damage and causes us to curse the mountains and the stars.

This person, you thought, was "The One". Suuuure. In fact, mission accomplished: The One you gave your whole heart to but got nothing in return. The One you fought hell and back for. The One who said, "never mind what they say" and promised, "it's just going to be you and me, against all odds" then left you high and dry, standing there agape wondering what the hell just happened. Unrequited love, forbidden love, one-sided relationships, and relationships built on mistrust, deceit, and pain -- these are the kinds where boundaries are just blurry lines between happiness and sorrow and heartbreak is acknowledged to be just around the corner.

People tell you you're not alone -- followed illogically by a "you'll be fine" or "everything's going to be okay". Kicking and screaming, you argue that whatever happened to others has nothing to do with you: ignoring for a moment that human evolution is actually a practice of the "learn from experience" adage. You take no comfort at all in being part of a group that fell victim to a killer that was standing right in front of them. Misery, you realize, doesn't give a damn about company. Misery would love Revenge or its cousins Johnnie, Jack, or Gilbey.

If you're the type, you'll eventually find the right song. You immortalize your situation in song, inadvertently bookmarking songs on the radio to remind you of your brokenhearted ails. You hum in on your way to school or work. In the shower, you sing it with all the emotion of a music video star. With this song in your pocket, you know that the pain is real, it's there, and yes -- you're not alone.

Christina Perri's "Jar of Hearts" is a gem for all those who have fallen out of been kicked out of love by those they adored the most. As she sings, you can hear the emotion, the utter pain and disgust she has for this person who left her and now wants her back. With anger, sadness, and a tinge of regret, Perri says, "Don't come back for me. Who do you think you are?"

Quick. The time to commemorate is now:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

on startling updates.

"Is it because we're old?"

A friend and I walked the moonlit streets of Ayala in search of my brother's AA batteries. Walking gear defined by her flats and my slippers, we started our unplanned evening exercise from Glorietta 5. We pondered the possibility that it must be age that's causing our problems -- although it's not far-fetched that our problems are really making us seem older than we actually are. I was overwhelmed by the news I've been getting the past weeks.

While it's not surprising to hear about marriage and promiscuity now as it was maybe 4 years ago, once in a while, you get updates that seem unreal, too soon, almost telenovela-ish: a friend with HIV, another a willing mistress, and yet another, filing for legal separation. Amidst all this, I can only pray for my peers and offer a listening ear.

To think, a couple of years back, our biggest problem was how to get past our first year in college.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Love is Endless - MoZella

Despite the ups and downs, I have to remind my friends... Love is Endless.

Words coming up...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

another day.

Many times have I tried to document my experiences through blogs. I eventually find myself trying to search for the right words only to realize that there are none. There begins the end of that chapter in my life.

When blogging didn't work, I switched to Twitter, and it seems to work for me. Completely devoid of a need to please anyone, 140 characters -- most of the time -- is enough.

The time has come again, however, when I have to start speaking out -- and saying more. Life is taking another turn and much needs to be said about love, friendship, work, family, and every other thing under the big full moon.

Enjoy the ride.