Sunday, August 22, 2010

Quotes: Flirting with Forty

So I just finished watching Flirting with Forty, which, to be honest, I wouldn't even know about if I hadn't gone into stalker mode and searched for all things Robert Buckley. Since I don't like horror films and I'm already hooked on Lipstick Jungle, this was the next step into fan-dom.

Can you blame me for wanting more? (source:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

open letter.

Borrowing a line from that Sinead O'Connor song, "it's been 7 hours and 15 days, since you took your love away". At this.exact.moment.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

of promises and high hopes.

Aquino's 100th day is drawing near and the realities are setting in: that he's no Superman and that he is not exempted from critics heavily armed with words that point to the negatives.

However, let's not forget that the President has high hopes for this country -- and so should we. It's an old joke, but what this country really needs right now is a "Pangulo" (President) not a "panggulo" (troublemaker). Whether he delivers on his promises or not is a different topic altogether, but it's up to us to make sure that he does. Check out this site by ABS-CBN: the Aquino Promises Tracker.

Transcript of the Inaugural Speech of President Benigno C. Aquino III delivered on June 30, 2010 after the jump.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Quotes: House M.D. ("Occam's Razor")

Excuse the fan. Quotes from House episode 103, "Occam's Razor":

Quotes: One More Chance

After watching a cult classic like One More Chance years after it sent odd feelings rushing through your friends' veins, one is pushed to jump on the train and post lines that were uttered in the film, forever etched in our cliché-dependent minds. Here we go:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

mam julian.

If it were any other subject, we'd continue walking in and out of the classroom, talking to our seatmates, or singing from the latest "song hits" edition. But this was Third Year Physics, so someone's always on the lookout. Soon as we get news of our teacher rounding the corner of our floor, everyone goes to their proper places, sits quietly 'til she places her books and chalk on the table, and crosses their fingers that they don't get called for recitation. Sa hinaba-haba ng taong yun -- amidst drama left and right a la Gossip Girl -- we passed and I think most of us had a new found respect for the subject.