Sunday, August 22, 2010

Quotes: Flirting with Forty

So I just finished watching Flirting with Forty, which, to be honest, I wouldn't even know about if I hadn't gone into stalker mode and searched for all things Robert Buckley. Since I don't like horror films and I'm already hooked on Lipstick Jungle, this was the next step into fan-dom.

Can you blame me for wanting more? (source:
This made-for-TV movie centers around the life of Jackie, played by the lovely Heather Locklear (who, by the way, was 47-ish when the movie came out in 2008 and she didn't even look it). Newly divorced with two kids, she heads to Hawaii as a birthday gift from her friend Kristine (Vanessa Williams). There she meets the sizzling hot Kyle Hamilton (Robert Buckley), a surfing instructor who dares her to "swim out of (her) comfort zone".

Jackie ushers in her 40th in bed with Kyle and soon, the two agree to an exclusive relationship. This is met by disapproval from Jackie's ex-husband and friends, and, coupled with the realities of her children and her job, she is forced to break away from Kyle. Months pass and Jackie acknowledges that her happiness is with Kyle.
Jackie: Okay. So, I'm gonna put this together and then we'll put the Christmas tree through here. You guys will lift it up and hold it and I will tighten the screws.
Jessica: Well, Daddy has a very smart one.
Will: Yeah, Dad has the new no-tip, no-tilt, tap-a-toe stand.
Jackie: Well, we have this perfectly lovely little Christmas tree stand that's been around since before you were born.
Will: It's very old.
Jackie: Well, we don't trade it in just because there's something new out there. So, we are gonna honor this Christmas tree stand. Even if it is old.

Kyle: So, how about a lesson?
Jackie: For real?
Kyle: Why not?
Jackie: Why? You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Kyle: What dog? And who's old?

Kyle: You know, surf wisdom says that you gotta swim out of your comfort zone to catch the wave that's gonna change your life.

Jackie: So, the door slams and he's gone and I end up blubbering like a baby ‘till 3 in the morning. And that's how I rang in my 40th. But, I mean, that's not the point. My point is that, as a grown-up, aren't I supposed to be able to handle these ridiculously stupid decisions that I make and not end up in a ball all wet and snotty all night?
Kristine: Okay. So, it's a sign of maturity to have zero feelings?

Jackie: Why does everything taste better outdoors?
Kyle: It does, right?

Kristine: Excuse me? Have you not heard of the Moore Phenomenon? Demi? Julianne Moore? They're both married to guys that are 10 years younger than them. And Katie Couric? She's in her 50s and her boyfriend's in his 30s.

Kristine: Well, I'm just glad to see you happy. You know, like my grandmama always said: "The only way to get over a man is to get under another."

Will: I have this girlfriend, Stephanie.
Jackie: I didn't know you had a girlfriend.
Will: I do. I met her at the Fourth of July. And yesterday, when I came second in the swim meet, she said I didn't win 'cause I'm too small. She said I would swim faster if I wasn't so little.
Jackie: First of all, Will, you're exactly the size you're supposed to be and everyone grows at different rates. So no one can say who's too big and who's too small. And judging by your father, you're gonna be towering over all of us very soon.
Will: Yeah?
Jackie: And if Stephanie doesn't understand that, and doesn't appreciate you for you, and exactly who you are, then that's her loss.

Kyle: All the hustle on the mainland just seems insane to me. I mean, you got this one life and you're spending it sitting in rush hour or working under fluorescent lights in a climate-controlled room, hunched over a computer, sucking back caffeine. And for what?

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